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Packing UP!!! (go back »)

April 12 2008, 5:29 AM

Well i dont know if i mentioned that the packers came last Sunday and shipped half of our belongings over to England!! Well they did, and there is hardly anything in the villa in Abu Dhabi anymore!! I actually dont know where all thats stuff is going to fit over in England!!

And today is my last day ever in Abu Dhabi so im very excited!! Finally get to see all my friends!! YAY!! And get back into a routine which is always good!! Umm so yeah i'll be packing up my room today- like clothes and all the other necessities. I feel quite sorry for my dad- being here of all places my himself!! If i was left here alone i think i would commit suicide!!

I think i will miss Abu Dhabi because for the last 4 years its been my sunshine and my wardrobe!! Id buy clothes from forever 21 and everyone would be jealous of them!! I'd have a big room to myself with an ensuite!! I could top up on my tan!! I suppose it was the best of both worlds coz being in England i could have my friends and my time apart from my fam!!

Now it'll be over...for now!! 


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  • 17 years old


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